How would chivalry be applicable? You're just a woman wandered in out of the wastes to help out, she's the soldier, her duty is clear.

Yet she says it even if you're playing a female Lone Wanderer. Here's the thing, that line is clearly meant for a male Lone Wanderer, chivalry in this situation would be applicable to men. If you choose her she says "So much for chivalry." You can choose to sacrifice yourself or you can have Sarah perform the sacrifice. The choices are supposed to be you or Brotherhood of Steel elite soldier Sarah Lyons (The Broken Steel DLC adds the option for you to send in your robot or Super Mutant companions if you have them on hand since they're immune to rads). You have to turn on your father's water purifier but whoever does it receives a lethal dose of radiation. You ever notice that? I'll give you the full scenario on the off chance you haven't played Fallout 3.