The AKM provides slightly lower recoil per shot thanks to its slant-shaped muzzle break, but it’ll send out bullets at a slower speed than the more rigid 56. The AK-47 comes in three variants: the Russian AKM and two Chinese versions, the Type 56 and 56-1. Up close, an affixed or foldable bayonet can quickly cut down a surprised foe. It boasts a roomy 30-round magazine, a huge advantage for keeping heads down and applying steady pressure to help with closing distances. Its powerful 7.62x39mm caliber translates in-game into superior damage at further ranges than its American counterpart and a higher consistency for lethal shots over wounding grazes especially when penetrating walls or pieces of cover. The VC adopted one of warfare’s most iconic weapons as a workhorse rifle capable of withstanding the sweltering climate and rugged conditions of the thick Vietnamese jungle, and it shows in the faded wood construction of its stock and handguard.